Here are some of our students’ comments:
Lei Li (China)
这个寄宿家庭很不错 比其他我住过的的要好点 监护人很负责任 而且饭菜也可以 想吃啥可以跟Lisa说 也很乐意帮助人的 房间打扫比较干净 可以安心专心念书 而且费用也不高 挺实惠的 网速也快
Kenneth’s Homestay is a better place to stay in as compared to other places. The guardian is a responsible man. The meals cooked are okay, suits me. Whatever you like to eat, you can ask Lisa and she would be very glad to cook for you. My room is always very clean. I think it’s an excellent place for students to study and stay. The fees are not high, are of reasonable amount and the Wi-Fi is fast.
Victor (Taiwan)
我的女兒在八月到新加坡念書 透過朋友的介紹以及網路上的評價的找到 Hillview Homestay這間很棒的宿舍位於新加坡地理的中心 在我女兒住進去之前我先去看過當地環境 這裡位於HIllView MRT站的附近顧名思義就是在小山丘上 臨近水資源保護區環境清幽安靜空氣很好綠意盎然沿著小小的斜坡走上去有在北投的感覺鄰近有捷運站及多條線的公車站對外交通購物吃飯都方便。 房間以兩人一間,房間乾淨明亮可以讓小朋友有自己的空間以及同時又可以有群體生活但人數又不會爆炸的多剛剛好小兒溫馨,像我年輕時候到處住的小青旅此時回憶又湧現了出來。當然WI-FI 也是很重要的可以跟家人視訊保持聯繫。 更重點的重點是安全性足夠有24小時門禁管理以及社區保全人員巡邏 有任何問題會立即通報當地警察機構或是醫療院所 總之這是一個可以讓家長放心讓孩子在這裡安全居住求學的好宿舍。
Vicky (China)
家里设施很全 有Wi-Fi 很好的空调
房间里面插座很多 不用担心没有地方充电屋子采光很好 每天会有女佣打扫房间
家门口就有站和家后面就是地铁站 走两分钟就到 非常方便
女佣 SITI棒棒哒监护人也超nice
Nammtip (Thailand)
บ้านพี่เคนก็ดีค่ะ น่าอยู่ สะอาด แม่บ้านใจดี ทำอาหารอร่อยด้วย มีรูมเมทที่ใจดีมากๆค่ะ ที่สำคัญซักผ้าให้ด้วย อยู่ใกล้โรงเรียน เดินไปมาสะดวก ขึ้นบัสง่าย และอยู่ใกล้ห้างสามารถซื้อของได้สะดวกมากๆเลยค่ะ
Ken’s homestay is good place to live they have a good roommate and very comfortable and clean and pleasant him has a good maid she’s cook very well she clean my garment and this homestay is easy to go to school easy to go everywhere cause nearby bus stop and nearby a department store
Eugene (Korea)
Hi. I was a Korean resident of Kenneth’s Homestay for 6 months last year. I found the place by chance but I came to like to stay there just in a few days. First things first, the two Kenneths were always willing to offer favors in many occasions. I still remember that when I fell sick, one of them took me to nearest clinic. More importantly, the living conditions were awesome. Since you’re gonna stay in condo, you don’t need to worry about security problem. And, there’s a maid who does the cooking, laundry etc. And finally, you may find it very interesting to mingle with other students from different national backgrounds. Although I spent most of my time studying for exams, it was quite nice to meet and communicate with them.
안녕하세요. 전 Kenneth’s Homestay에 작년 6개월 동안 머물렀던 한국인 학생입니다. 우연히 찾게 되었다만, 정말 좋은 기억을 많이 남기고 왔는데요. 먼저, 여기 집주인들이 상당히 친절하다고 말하고 싶네요. 언젠가, 제가 싱가폴와서 처음으로 병원에 가게되었는데 이 사람들이 차로 데려다주기까지 하더라고요. 그리고 더 중요하게는, 여기 주거환경이 꽤 좋아요. 콘도 홈스테이기 때문에 안전은 크게 걱정 안하셔도 될 거에요. 그리고, 메이드가 뒤치다거리는 다 해주기 때문에 역시 많이 편하다고 느끼실 거에요. 그리고 마지막으로는, 여러나라에서 온 학생들을 만날 수 있다라는 점에서 꽤 흥미롭다 할 수 있겠습니다. 비록 전 공부만 했습니다만^^, 그래도 다른 학생들하고 어울리는 것도 꽤 좋더라고요. ㅎㅎ